We just released version 1.7.2 of Dashcam Viewer for Mac and for WindowsNew features listed below:

New Features: 

Bug fixes:

Save Settings feature in detail:

If the Save Settings button in the Movie Window is clicked, then whenever this movie is played the settings that were saved will be used. This is useful when playing a deck of movies that have widely varying speed ranges, altitude ranges, or time offsets and the user would like to sync and customize playback for each movie independently.

For example, when using Dashcam Viewer to playback GoPro videos captured with a Phantom 2 and Flytrex Core GPS logger, the sync between the movie start and the GPS start will vary depending on when the pilot turned on the Phantom and GoPro. By using the m , . / keys (see Shortcuts), the timezone offset can be changed interactively so the Graph’s time cursor position matches exactly what’s playing in the movie viewer. Clicking the Save Settings will preserve this time offset so it need not be entered manually every time the movie is played.

Settings remain in effect until the next settings file is detected. You can specify default settings for movies that do not have specific a settings file. To do this run Dashcam Viewer (but do not load any movies), adjust your settings via the Preferences or shortcuts, and then click the “Save Default Settings” button.

If the Save Settings button text is green, then a settings file for this movie has been detected and is being used. If the Save Settings text is black, then there are no specific settings for this movie. In that case the current settings will be used unless a default settings file was created. Note that if using the Save Settings feature to adjust movie syncing with GPS data, you should deselect the Auto Fix checkbox in the Preferences window before saving the settings. Failure to do so will make Dashcam Viewer ignore your custom timezone offset values, which are used for movie/GPS syncing.

Note: The Settings feature is an advanced capability and will generally not be necessary for movies created with a dashcam. This is because dashcams automatically sync the movie file timestamp to the GPS data. Also, the altitude, speed, and other metrics do not vary much from movie to movie so having specific ranges for each movie is usually unnecessary.

The settings are stored in a file located in the same folder as the movie being played. The settings values that are stored include timeZoneOffset, clockBias, timeFormat, tempUnits, altUnits, speedUnits, aspectMaintain, alwaysAutoFix, and the Y-axis ranges for all the graphs. The file can be hand-edited to remove settings the user does not want altered when the file is loaded.

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